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Geography Department

Geography is about helping pupils to understand the constantly changing physical and human environment in which they live. The Geography Department intends to expose all pupils to positive learning experiences. Through these it is hoped that they will acquire a positive attitude towards themselves, fellow citizens and others in the wider world. It is also hoped to encourage a positive attitude towards their environment.

The Curriculum- What do we study?

Key Stage 3

Year 8

· What is Geography?
Pupils are introduced to the various strands that make up Geography – physical, human and environmental.
· Locational Geography –pupils become familiar with geographical scale – from local to global, and develop a sense of place through map work.
· Geographical skills – locating places using latitude and longitude, using graphs in geography.
· Settlements – what are settlements, factors affecting the choice of sites for settlement, how settlements change through time, land use in settlements and benefits and problems of settlement growth.

Year 9

· Erosion – pupils learn how rivers, wind, the sea and ice can wear away the land.
· Rivers – how rivers shape the land – the formation of waterfalls, floodplains and meanders.
· Map skills –recognising river features on a map, showing relief on a map, using contour lines
· The Environment – pupils learn we should be concerned about the environment, and look at energy provision/use of energy resources in detail in relation to oil, coal and alternative sources of energy.
· Population – distribution and density, factors affecting distribution, world population distribution, population distribution in the British Isles. Population change, migration, refugees, asylum seekers and associated issues

Year 10

· Earth’s structure and rocks – igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic
· Plate tectonics – continental drift, plates, plate movements, earthquakes and volcanoes
· Tourism – problems and benefits, changes in tourism, national parks, conflict in tourism, ecotourism
· Map skills – using scale – calculating distances
· Development – levels of development, indicators of development – overpopulation, employment structure, trade and aid.

Key Stage 4

Throughout KS3 pupils develop a wide range of skills: the KS3 course has numerous opportunities to develop the skills of literacy, numeracy. IT, communication, problem
solving & decision-making, working with others, self-management, and being creative.
Key Stage 4
We follow the Northern Ireland CCEA Specification.
Year 11 Unit 1: Understanding our Natural World (40%)
· Theme A: Landscape Development – rivers and coasts
· Theme B: Our Changing Weather and Climate
· Theme C: The Restless Earth – rocks, plate tectonics, tectonic activity in the British Isles, earthquakes.
Year 12 Unit 2: Living in Our World (40%)
· Theme A; People and Where They Live
· Theme B: Contrasts in World Development
· Theme C: Managing our Resources
Unit 3: Fieldwork (20%)
There are three examinations – Unit 1 is examined at the end of Year 11 and Units 2 and 3 are examined at the end of Year 12. In order to fulfil the requirements of the GCSE specification pupils carry out a river study along the River Roe for their Fieldwork.
The following geographical concepts underpin the GCSE course:
· Sustainable development
· Interrelationships between people and the natural environment
· The need to manage both human and physical resources
· Interdependence between countries; and
· International cooperation to tackle global problems
The GCSE course helps pupils to develop a wide range of skills as outlined under the Careers Section below

Geography and Career Opportunities

Most employers are concerned that schools should provide for the development of general skills – literacy, numeracy, spoken communication, computer literacy, use of maps and diagrams, analysis, interpretation and presentation of information, decision-making, planning and organisation, individual initiative and teamwork. Geography courses in particular, contribute greatly to developing such skills.
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